Howard Moore

Worried about climate change and what you can do about it, or looking for opportunities?

If you are concerned about the future of your business with climate change, and what you can do to make a difference or find an opportunity, you’re ahead of the field.  While many people are still ignoring climate change, the smarter ones feel uninformed, or uncertain, or even angry.  Official reports publish hundreds of pages a year on climate change models, scenarios, targets and options, but what do we act on?  When?  And what would that imply?

The present aim is for New Zealand to be carbon neutral by 2050.  A growing number of people like you have taken a decision to actively work towards that.

Howard is deeply involved in the role of land use in climate change.

By planting trees we can buy time to develop new business practices and technologies for reducing green-house gas emissions.  People enjoy having trees nearby: they look good, take up carbon dioxide, provide wildlife habitat, protect against erosion and improve water quality.  To officials, the future New Zealand looks like a mosaic landscape with a wide variety of land uses suited to soils and water supply, and high-value, complementary industries.

With over 40 years experience in forestry and economic development, Howard has wide connections in business and farm forestry.  His career spans process improvement, banking, forest investment and assisting small business.  He’s keenly watching climate change developments.

If you feel that it’s time to change your ‘business as usual’, talk to Howard.

More info here: